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Opening horizons to transformyour daily life.

Ontological Coaching (OC) is an emerging profession that connects you with the power to build new purposes and meanings in your life and your work.

Emerging Profession

How to become a Professional Ontological Coach

OC is a discipline that requires a substantial learning methodology on the processes of change and transformation of individuals and companies. Accredited OC schools usually offer training of about 250 academic hours.

Professional growth

The Coach´s career

As an emerging profession, Ontological Coaches develop their practice, enrich their discipline, and build their careers.
At AAPOC-USA we provide the opportunity to certify Professional Ontological Coaches and offer the criteria and support to develop a professional career.

Focus on deliver quality service

Impacting Communities

OC is a powerful way to empower individuals and communities in their mission to generate new environments, purposes, and realities among us.


AAPOC - USA What is it?

Learn more about our Association.

The American Association of Professional Ontological Coaching gathers the professionals of this discipline who work in the USA, facilitating a space of possibilities for the current practice of ontological coaching as an inclusive, interconnected, and community exercise through:
● Supporting the professional identity of Ontological Coaches.● Supporting the development of the Coach's career.● The promotion and regulation of Ontological Coaching Schools.● The contribution to the development of knowledge through the research and publication of the state of the art of professional Ontological Coaching.


Our vision

We are a point of reference institution for Professional Ontological Coaches, Coaching Schools, the community, companies, and governments in the generation of personal, social, and organizational transformation.

Our service

What will benefit you as a member?


Your Membership with AAPOC-USA will...

… give you national recognition.

… endorse the training in which you studied and obtain your certificate.

… ensure the growth and mastery of your profession as coach.

… Strengthen your professional image.

… go along with you in your career with assistance and training.

… give you visibility and exposure with your clients.
... provide professional ethical standards.


Meet our team of coaches.

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Oscar Gimenez

PRESIDENT| Pembroke Pines, FL

Master Ontological Coach from 2010.FICOP Pioneer member #00286.
26 years of experience in OD Consulting and Ontological Coaching.
Master on Organizational Development and Sciences of Education.
Former Professor on Anthropological Philosophy and Organizational Development.

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Hernan Pisotti


Ontological Coach since 2005.
16 years of experience in Leadership Development and Culture change management for public and private organizations.
Former Professor on Leadership and Team Building for U.C.A and U.B.A (Argentina).
TEDxTandil2015 Speaker.

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Tatiana Padrón

VOCAL - Membership | Kansas, KS

Ontological Coach. 2013. Pioneer member FICOP #00294.
15 years experience as University Professor.
CMT-200 Spanish - English Certified Mindfulness Teacher.


Contact us

If you are planning on visiting us it’s advisable to call ahead or email us for an appointment.


Pembroke Pines, FL


Monday - Saturday: 9 AM - 12 M 


+1 (954) 330 85 71moc.liamg%40asucopaa

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